Saturday, August 13, 2022

Black-headed Grosbeak

 We usually see the Black-headed Grosbeak in the mountains, with only an occasional visitor to our yard, But some years they come down here in numbers, and we always stop what we are doing to watch them. They are quite striking (I am describing the males, the females are plainer)with their black head and heavy two-tone beak, with their black and white wings, their deep orange body, and the comic postures they get into as they twist around to watch us. Especially the comical postures.

This year they surprised us, quietly insinuating themselves into our notice, and now they seem to be increasing: a Black-headed Grosbeak year!

They often seem to look at you out of the corner of their eye.


They can look impressive and commanding.


Then turn around and look silly again.

Half the things they do look noble, and then they ruin it. For instance

here is a female black-headed on top of a log of tasty food we put out for the birds. She would like to get down to the choice fodder, but look how she goes about it. Here is a dove watching her.


She's dived in head-first and the dove can scarcely believe it!

Well, I shouldn't make fun of her. She' a handsome bird, 



 and all the other birds like her.


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